A long, long, time ago when I was a young Marine in North Carolina, I started this journey by customizing motorcycles. It all began with me shortening exhaust systems and repainting street bikes that Marines would inevitably drop or scratched. I did all of this while using the money to pay for my expensive track day habit. All of this started in a 20 by 20 detached garage.
Repairing damaged ABS plastics and properly prepping parts for base coat and top coat, eventually led my piqued interest in finishes. I would eventually stop because I deployed again and would move onto another chapter of my life. Fast forward to 2019 and finding myself in Federal Way Washington working for a gun shop while finishing my bachelor's degree. I started with modifying Glock polymer for myself and friends and eventually started rattle-canning my rifle. while I found myself constantly tinkering with firearms and accessories, I followed the methodologies and suggestions of our gunsmith, Karl. I eventually found myself reading and watching tutorials on assemblies and proper torque specs to reassemble different types of guns. This better helped me by understanding the importance of proper thicknesses of Cerakote® and how they affect tolerances.
A couple years later, with the help of many, I was finding myself with friends who knew I needed assistance to get to the next step of making this happen. In 2023 I got certified and moved into a 2500 square foot space with industrial equipment to improve on the art and make it more available.
So join us, as we aim to make this the premier spot to get your parts cherried out in the Cerakote® of your choice. Thank you to everyone who has supported us, promoted us and told everyone else about us.

With state of the art equipment and proper tools, we are able to work on nearly all firearms and related equipment. Our motive and mantra is to return everything back to our customers in much better condition with special appeal. When we are taking on projects that require attention to detail, we also like to keep our customers informed throughout the process.
One of our most popular services is restoring factory markings for the customer on their products to make them look factory. Whether it is lights, battery caps or Knight's uppers, our quality is our signature.
We value the relationships we have with our customers and love to make them feel involved, whether it is a single color or a five color camo with laser topo at the end.
Last but not least, we like punctuality and believe in quick responses and articulate answers to our customers. If you need it done, we will do our absolute best to make it happen for you.
We do it all.
Our doors are open and we are always up to hear your project out with you and answer any questions you may have regarding our services. When you are here, you can shop with confidence and trust when you deal with us. We value our customer satisfaction over everything. If you are ready to started on your first or latest project, do not hesitate to hit the button below!