Additional Project for M. Palumbo

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Supplemental package for M. Palumbo in tandem with Order #314 (pi) with the following additional items:

  • URX 3.1 in HIR-265 DEVGRU BLEND - $120
  • 2x MLOK to Picatinny KAC Rail Sections - HIR-265 DEVGRU BLEND - $30
  • 2x KAC Grips in different tan colors - $0
  • 1x Comp M5 with KAC Sky Scraper in HIR-265 DEVGRU BLEND - $180
  • 8x Various Magazines in HIR-265 DEVGRU BLEND - $120 (Cerakote 2x Surefires for free as courtesy)
  • PRG NT4 in FDE - $90
  • Expedite service for entire order plus supplemental package $300